Spindle Snowmen

I saw these on Pinterest and knew I had to make a set. Living in Alabama, these may get to be the only snowmen I get to build all year! But they're cute =)

I went to Lowe's and bought three spindles from the lumber yard for about $3.50 each.  I had everything else at home, so total this project cost me less than $15!  They were already painted white, so that saved me a step.  I used paint pens to draw on the noses, eyes, mouths, and buttons.  Their hats are black socks and the scarves are strips of green felt cut and tied around the necks. Total, I maybe spent 15 minutes start to finish getting these snowmen made and put in the yard.  We have a snowman theme on the front porch, so these tie in really well =)


  1. Hi I am a new follower and found these skinny snowmen to be very cute!!! It is a great idea and thanks for sharing :)
    I would love for you to follow along.

  2. Cute! I wonder if you could use the other side to do witches for Halloween or Bunnies for Easter?

  3. Very cute! Thank you for linking up with the Clever Chicks this week; I hope youā€™ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


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